
Showing posts from October, 2020

Hacktoberfest: Fourth Pull Request - traxing and Wrap up the Hacktoberfest

In this post, I will describe the steps I walked for the fourth pull request for the Hacktoberfest and wrap up my journey. 1. The Fourth Pull Request I kept finding the proper issue related to web programming which I can finish within time. When I explored issues, I've found the project named traxing that has an issue adding icons for each item. At the first glance, I thought it is easy but when I look more carefully, I noticed the language this project is using is the one I am not familiar with. That makes me interesting because I would like to contribute to the project using the language I do not know so I need to learn the language. I picked up the issue and asked to assign me to the issue. The owner of the project assigned me to this task so I started working on the issue. Fixing the issue was pretty embarrassing. The project uses React and I have experience working on React project. However, I worked on the React project written in JavaScript, not TypeScript. I thought it coul...

Hacktoberfest: Third Pull Request - FindMeBeer

In this post, I will describe the steps of my third contribution to the Hacktoberfest. At this time, I tried to find the open-source which used the web programming language. The one I picked up is the project named FindMeBeer with the React (Javascript, CSS, and HTML). This website takes a location from the user and returns a list of nearby breweries and their relevant information. It uses the Open Brewery DB API. The issue I got assigned is issue #17: Add link to repository which. The owner of the repository wanted to add a GitHub logo on the right side of the navbar so when users click the image, they can visit the FindMeBeer GitHub repository. To resolve the issue, I downloaded the GitHub logo from the GitHub website ( ). I put this image inside the folder the file created. When I added the image next to the title already existed, it does not seem good. Therefore, I added styles to the image so the image can be located on the right side of the navbar. I appl...

Lab5: Refactor the code to improve maintainability

Thanks to the people's contributions to my link-checker command-line tool named url-fi, my tool gets a huge improvement. However, it has some coding style inconsistent because my code has other people's code as well. I took some time to walk through my link-checker tool and made some refactoring. There are five commits I add to improve my code Move the global variable to the top Add comments to the variables and functions Rename variable name Erase unnecessary code Update help message Firstly, I found some global variables named rFlag, ignore, ignoredLink was located in the middle of the file. Therefore, I move those variables on the top of the file. Secondly, I added comments to the variables and functions so other people can easily get what my code is. Thirdly, I renamed variable names ignore to iFlag to make the variable name consistent. Fourthly, I erased unnecessary code. There was code duplicate that the process.exit(1) and the process.exitCode=1 was written in a row. As ...

Lab4: Practice git remotes and merges

 In this post, I will describe the journey of lab 4 which practices git remotes and merges.  Here  is the instruction of the lab4. The purpose of this lab is to practice the following: creating branches to work on new features and fix bugs working on code changes in another project you didn't write using git remote and sharing commits with git push, git pull, and git fetch using git merge and doing practice merges fixing merge conflicts The additional feature I need to add to the existing project was to ignore URL. For example, if I enter 'tool-name --ignore ignore-url.txt test.html', the tool will check all the URLs inside the test.html file without the URLs inside the ignore-url.txt file. To begin this lab, I look around the whole the projects on the  release 0.1 list  and picked up one project.  Tool name: Webpage-status-checking-tool Author (GitHub username): tuidamon Filed issue: P...

Hacktoberfest: Second Pull Request - wanikani-notifier

 This post describes the journey of the second pull request for Hacktoberfest which encourages new people to get involved in the open-source community. The post for the first pull request for Hacktoberfest is the following: In this time, I have struggled to find an issue to work on. Most of the issues I would like to work on are already taken to another person and other issues have some problems on the project so I cannot run it properly. I kept finding a proper project and found one project named wanikani-notifier. The link for the wanikani-notifier is the following: When I found an issue with this project, I cloned the project to check whether I can run this project. At that time, I found it has another issue to make it better. On this project, there is no 'package-lock.json' file so users need to install modules checking what modules ar...

Lab3: Add Features using Multiple Branches

 In this post, I will describe the journey of adding features on the command-line tool named url-fi. This tool helps locate broken URLs in any files such as an HTML page or text file using NodeJS.  The two features I added this time are the following: Make sure that the program exits with an appropriate error code. If there are no errors (all links are good), exit with 0. Otherwise, exit with a non-zero exit code Support --all, --good, and --bad flags. The --all flag is the default, and if none of there are present, it will display good and bad URLs. The --good flag causes only good URLs to get displayed; the --bad flag causes only bad URLs to get displayed I opened two issues to describe I would add optional features and started working on these. The filed issues are the following: Issue 10: Issue 11: I worked on these issues parallelly by creating separate branches named issue...

Hacktoberfest: First Pull Request - Tower of Hanoi

This post describes the journey of Hackoberfest which encourages new people to get involved in the open-source community. I always want to participate in the open-source community but did not know how to do it. So, it was really good opportunity for me to start my first open-source contribution. I started finding the project I can work on. There are thousands of projects on the lists but it was hard to find the properly difficult issue I can handle on. Finally, I found an issue to work on and the issue I found for the first pull request of the Hackoberfest is the following: This issue is an algorithm for the Tower of Hanoi which is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods and some disks of different sizes, which can slide onto any rod. I asked to assign me to this issue in C# and got confirmed.  Firstly, I searched for the algorithm of the Tower of Hanoi. I got I can create a recursive function to solve ...

Open Source Project: Lab2 (Pull Request)

 Introduction In this lab, I practiced contributing and submitting pull requests to other repositories I don't own. Following the lab instruction , the things I plan to practice are the following: forking and cloning other projects creating branches to work on new features and fix bugs working on code I didn't write, trying to maintain the original style and not break things creating pull requests collaborating with other developers on GitHub updating my pull requests to include fixes for review comments The Project I picked for pull request ( ) I looked around the classmates' open source project and picked the project named testLink. The GitHub repository link is the following: .  I picked this project because it also uses the NodeJS which I picked for my project. It was really interesting to see how code can be written differently for the same subject. When I look over the proje...