Hacktoberfest: Third Pull Request - FindMeBeer

In this post, I will describe the steps of my third contribution to the Hacktoberfest. At this time, I tried to find the open-source which used the web programming language. The one I picked up is the project named FindMeBeer with the React (Javascript, CSS, and HTML). This website takes a location from the user and returns a list of nearby breweries and their relevant information. It uses the Open Brewery DB API. The issue I got assigned is issue #17: Add link to repository which. The owner of the repository wanted to add a GitHub logo on the right side of the navbar so when users click the image, they can visit the FindMeBeer GitHub repository.

To resolve the issue, I downloaded the GitHub logo from the GitHub website (https://github.com/logos). I put this image inside the folder the file created. When I added the image next to the title already existed, it does not seem good. Therefore, I added styles to the image so the image can be located on the right side of the navbar. I applied styles such as absolute and right to the <a> component. I tried to follow the coding style of the author so I put the styles on the file named 'index.js' instead of creating another file named 'Header.css'. After I've done all the works, I created a pull request to the repository.

I've learned how to find the code I want to edit and the knowledge of the React frontend. It was an interesting journey. I got the confidence I can do it better next time.

The links of the project, issue, and the pull request are the following:


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