Release 0.3: External Project (Hasura GraphQL Engine)

For Release 3.0, I need to create two pull requests, one for internal Seneca College's project named Telescope and the other for an external project. This post is about the journey of the external project. 

After I've created a pull request for the internal project, I started finding an external project I can work on. There are thousands of issues on GitHub but I need to find a project which is bigger than I've worked for the release 0.2. To find a bigger project, I read the issues which have a number bigger than 100. I found some issues and asked whether I can work on it or not. Finally, I found a project I can work on named Hasura. 

When I looked around this project, I was surprised by how big this project and how many people contributed to this project. I would like to contribute to this project so started to read a file and a contributing guide. When I scrolled down the file, I found there is a file translated with Korean which I am familiar with. I read the document and realized I can improve the wording on the Korean version of the file. I've filed an issue for that.

After I've filed an issue, I started rewording the document. It took some time but I've done that. I created a pull request for this issue

It failed one check because it needs 'no-changelog-required' label which I cannot add to this pull request. I've added a comment asking to add the label to this.

I've learned my language skill also can be a huge asset to contribute to a project. It was really nice I can work on this project! Also, I've felt the power of communication while I'm searching for the issue for an external project. This issue is the one I've got the lesson:

When I read this issue, I felt I can apply the knowledge I got from this week's lecture, adding a formatter. I asked the owner whether I can work on this task or not and started googling whether there is a formatter for the language this project use (thanks for that, I've learned there is a tool named 'Perltidy' which help to format the Perl source code!). After a few minutes, the member, author, and contributor started discussing whether they treat this as an issue they need to fix or not. That reminds me of the lesson I've got while I'm working on the internal project: the power of communication! It was a good lesson I've realized more about this while I'm a student.


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