Release 0.3: Internal Project (Telescope)

For Release 3.0, I need to create two pull requests, one for internal Seneca College's project named Telescope and the other for an external project. this post is about the journey of the internal project. The website and GitHub link for the Telescope are the following:

When I looked around Telescope GitHub issues, I felt it is hard to find the issue I can work on. As it is the biggest project I've worked for this lecture and lots of students are already working on this project, it is hard to find a new issue for me. I kept reading the issues and finding the issues on the issue list and finally, I found one about UI! The title is 'Change Telescope Theme to a light theme'.

I left a comment whether I can work on this task and got a response. I started work on it for the 404 page or My Feed page.

When I run the project locally and see the 404 page and My Feed page, I felt confused. It seems that the pages were already changed to a light theme. When I tried to change the background colour to make it a more light theme, it changes other pages as well. I did not know whether that is what project members want or not. I just created a pull request about that and asked them whether it is okay or not. I started communicating with the person who already started the issue. He or she said they do not want to change the background colour but 404 page's button font colour to dark grey. Following his mention, I've changed the font colour and they approved my pull request! Now I am one of the contributors to the Telescope project!

While I am working on this project, I've learned the power of communication. I felt it would be better if I asked him/her saying the pages seem the theme is already changed to a light theme so please tell me if you want to change another colour. That might reduce the time for this task. I remember this lesson and will apply this in the future!


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